Piece of Happiness Coll
Available for stud!
Date of Birth/ Születési idő: 2017.08.04
Sire/ Apa: Int ch HWT Elaeth Finders Keepers
Dame/ Anya: Srb CH CroCh Jillyby from Cranberry Cottage
Health results / Szűrési eredmények:
Dysplasia/ Diszplázia:
ED: 0/0
OCD: Clear
Clinical eye test/ Klinikai szemszűrés eredmény:
Microphtalmus: unaffected / mentes
Trichiasis: unaffected / mentes
Distichiasis: unaffected / mentes
Entropion: unaffected/ mentes
Ectropion: unaffected / mentes
Atresia of Lacrimal Punctas: unaffected / mentes
Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca: unaffected / mentes
Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreouse (PHPV): unaffected / mentes
Persistent Pupillary membrance (PPM): unaffected/ mentes
Primary lens luxatio (PLL): unaffected / mentes
Glaucoma: unaffected / mentes
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA): unaffected / mentes
Retina dysplasia (RD): unaffected / mentes
Collie Eye Anomalia (CEA): unaffected / mentes
Cataracta: unaffected / mentes
Gonioscopy: clear
DNA results/ Genetikai szűrés eredményei:
TNS: normal
NCL5: normal
CEA: Normal
GG: Normal
MDR1: Normal
IGS: Normal
RS/DH: Normal
SN: Normal
CA: Normal
DM: Normal
MC/MH: Normal
EAOD: Normal
PRA: Normal
PLL: Normal
VWD2: Normal
Suitable for breeding / Tenyészthető
52cm 22kg
eered, sable carrier
Full dentation / Teljes fogazat
Scissors bite/Ollós harapás
Show results / Kiállítási eredmények:
2018.05.05 Zalaegerszeg : Junior class excellent 2. / fiatal osztály kitűnő 2.
2018.05.06 Zalaegerszeg: HPJ
2018.05.21 Varasd CACIB: PRM, JBOB
2018.05.22 Varasd CACIB:PRM, JBOB
2018.06.17 Koprivnica CAC: PRM, JBOB and BOB => Croatian Junior Champion
2018.07.14 Szombathely CAC: excellent 4
2018.07.14 Szombathely CACIB: excellent3
2018.08.17 Devecser CAC: excellent 2
Young Club Star 2018
2019.04.07 Pécs CAC: Res. CAC
2019.05.11 Zalaegerszeg CAC: CAC
2019.05.12 Zalaegerszeg CAC: CAC
2019.06.29Agárd CACIB: CAC, CACIB
2019.07.12 .Sárvár CACIB: CAC, Res.CACIB
2019.07.13. Sárvár CACIB: CAC, CACIB
2019.09.21 Backa Topola CACIB: CAC
2019.09.22 Turja CAC: CAC, BOB => Serbian Champion
2019.10.18 Celje CACIB: CAC, CACIB
2019.10.19 Celje CACIB: CAC, Res. CACIB
2019.10.20. Celje CACIB: Res. CAC
Club Star 2019
2020.01.18. Celje CACIB: CAC, Res. CACIB
2020.01.19. Celje CACIB: CAC, Res.CACIB => Slovenian Champion
2020.08.20. Szilvásvárad CACIB: CAC, CACIB => Hungarian Champion & Hungarian Show Champion
2020.08.21 Szilvásvárad : exc.3
2020.08.22 Szilvásvárad:Cacib: Cac , Res Cacib
2020.08.23. Szilvásvárad Club show AAPKK: CAC
2020.09.26. Zalaegerszeg CAC: CAC , BOB, Legszebb Brit pásztorkutya III.
2020.09.27 Zalaegerszeg CAC : Exc3.
2020.10.30 Békéscsaba CACIB: Res Cac
2020.10.31 Békéscsaba CACIB: ResCAC, Res CACIB
2020.11.01 Békéscsaba CACIB: Res. CAC
AAPKK : Club Star 2020
HCSC:Club Star 2020
HCSC: TOP2 Male 2020
2021.06.04 Komárom Cacib: Cac , Cacib, BOS
2021.06.05 Komárom Cacib: Res.Cac
2021.06.06 Komárom Cacib: Cac, Cacib, BOB
2021.06.19. Pécs CAC: CAC, BOB
2021.06.20 Pécs CAC: CAC, BOS => Hungarian Grand Champion
2021.07.10 Varazdin CACIB: CAC, CACIB, BOS => *** International Champion***
2021.07.11 Varazdin CACIB: CAC, CACIB BOS
2021.07.17 Sárvár CACIB: CAC
2021.07.17 Sárvár HCSC Club show: CAC
2021.07.18. SárvárCACIB: CAC, CACIB
2021.09.10 Dracula CAC: CAC
2021.09.10 Dracula CACIB: CAC, Res CACIB
2021.09.11 Dracula CAC: CAC
2021.09.11 Dracula CACIB: CAC, Res.CACIB
2021.09.12 Dracula CAC: CAC
2021.09.12 Dracula CACIB: CAC, Res. CACIB => Romanian Champion
2021.11.30. Pristina Poppins Cup CACIB : CAC CACIB BOB –CRUFTS QUALIFICATION —
Kosovo Champion
2021.12.01. Pristina Poppins CUP CAC: CAC BOB BOGIII.
2021.12.01 Pristina Poppins CUP CACIB: CAC Res.CACIB – Cup Winner
Kosovo Grand Champion
2021.12.04. Skopje Winner CACIB: CAC CACIB BOB BOG II. Macedon Champion
2021.12.05 Skopje Winner CAC: CAC BOB
2021.12.05. Skopje Winner CACIB: CAC CACIB BOB BOG II.- Skopje winner- Macedon Grand Champion
Balkan Champion
Club Star male 2021 at AAPKK & HCSC
Top 2 male at HCSC 2021
Hobby/ exams:
obedience exam 96/100